Developing scholars to achieve their full intellectual, creative, and moral potential.
Limited space available for grades K-8
Mailing Address
12600 Hill Country Blvd Ste R-130, #288
Bee Cave, TX 78738
Developing scholars to achieve their full intellectual, creative, and moral potential.
Limited space available for grades K-8
Our data shows that Blaze scholars out perform local and national averages in every category. Our scholars and educators routinely measure progress to ensure each child reaches their fullest academic potential.
Blaze is an educational sanctuary founded in Christian beliefs and American values. Our curriculum aligns with the philosophy of Western Civilization, takes the best of traditional education, and blends it with a modern and innovative approach.
Blaze has a 10:1 scholar to teacher ratio ensuring that your child will be seen and known both academically and personally. Together with our teachers, scholars establish meaningful individualized academic and personal goals with routine check-ins to monitor progress.
Blaze is located on a sprawling Hill Country ranch nestled in between Dripping Springs and Bee Cave, Texas. Our scholars love getting their hands dirty while applying what they’ve learned in the classroom to hands-on projects around the ranch.
We believe achieving virtuous character is a lifelong pursuit which requires daily commitment and practice. At Blaze we strive to be our best each and every day both for our own well-being and in serving our community and the world around us.
Ashleigh - Blaze Mom
Blaze Mom
Blaze Mom
Blaze Teacher
Jeremiah, Blaze Dad
12600 Hill Country Blvd Ste R-130, #288
Bee Cave, TX 78738